Sunday, June 17, 2012

Obamacare Decision Is Important For A Lot of Reasons

As we sit here in the middle of June we are nearing a Supreme Court decision on The
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Now for those of you who are not familiar with
the names of Constitutional Laws, it is primarily known nationwide as “Obamacare”. The Court
will be weighing whether to uphold the law which was signed by President Obama in March of
2010, overturn the law altogether, or throw out the key provision within the law, The Individual
Mandate, which calls on everyone to purchase private health insurance.

As both political parties setup their respective talking points in anticipation of the verdict, and the
court prepares for the attacks from diehard lefties and righties, The importance of the decision will
be felt not only in the upcoming Presidential Election, but with individual citizens in this country going

From a personal perspective The ACA is kinda of like eating White Castle burgers when you have this
huge craving for steak. Any Progressive worth his salt wants and desires a single-payer health care system, but those liberals who think the striking down of this law will pave the way for single-payer are not realistic, not with this Republican House and if the dreaded happens not this future Republican President.

GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney has been vocal about the fact that he as The Commander and Chief would repeal the ACA if the SCOTUS doesn't overturn it. Romney repealing the law is like a parent disowning one of his children because it was Romney, who as Governor of Massachusettes implemented his own healthcare law with an individual mandate, basically providing the President with a blueprint..

If President Romney follows through on his promise he says he will replace the ACA with a plan that basically does not guarantee mandates. The Obama Administration in it's brief to the SCOTUS about the Constitutionality of the ACA said that without mandates “premiums would increase significantly and the availability of insurance would decline”. In short the working poor, and the middle class who didn't have health insurance prior to 2010 will return to a world where it would be increasingly difficult to acquire some under Mittens.

The fact that we find ourselves in a position where a Supreme Court that is becoming more partisan by the day (see Citizens United) is now going to decide the fate of the ACA has to be laid at the feet of the Obama Administration. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of Tea Party activists out there who would have called Barack Obama a Kenyan, socialist, Marxists, even if he had done away with every government job and called British Prime Minister David Cameron for austerity tips, but the messaging or lack thereof by the Administration until fairly recently has been weak at best, and they wasted the opportunity to win over true middle of the road moderates.

How many people out there who have no political agenda whatsoever and are only interested in getting themselves and their family quality healthcare know that the ACA will provide financial assistance to people who have to buy insurance on their own, expands Medicaid, and eliminates copays for some preventitive services. Sure anyone can get lost in the weeds when it comes to this stuff, but if your not out there selling the way the President and his staff should have been and the fact that you put in place measures that won't allow a lot of these things to kick in until 2014, of course every right-wing think tank on the planet is going come up flat out lies and negative connonatations such as the name “Obamacare” itself.

As I say all of this I realize that it may all be a moot point. The Supreme Court could go two of three ways, strike down the law and force the President to start over (without single-payer), or throw out the individual mandate, which in a sense guts the law anyway. Given Justice Samuel Alito's response to the President's feelings on the Citizens United decision rendered by the court I'm not expecting this group to do the right thing.

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