Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama Takes Lead on Immigration

Obama Takes Lead on Immigration.  This June 15th was shaping up to be another ho-hum day in the political sphere, with talks of grand
speeches, jaw dropping gaffes, and a lack fresh new ideas from either Presidential Candidate. That was until about 10:15 a.m eastern time when President Obama announced that his Administration will halt the process of deporting young illegal immigrants from the U.S..

Even the right-wing hacks over at Fox News cannot underestimate how much of a gamechanger this is
for this November's election, and how much of a shot in the arm this is for a President who may have been struggling with one of if not the biggest and most influential voting block in the country.
The disenchantment with the President from the Latino Community has been well documented, There has still been no comprehensive immigration reform that the President promised throughout his campaign in 2008, not to mention the fact that 400,000 illegal immigrants have been deportated by The Obama Administration. Friday is a reversal of that somewhat, and even though it is not the pathway to citizenship that the Latino Community wants, hopefully it will be a conversation starter for Congress and persuade them to pass The Dream Act that has been sitting on their desk for almost two years.

To go along with the political implications of this decision it places Republican Presidential Nominee, Mitt Romney and The Republican Party in general in a perilous position. Romney in order to secure his party's nomination placed himself as far to the right as he could on the issue of immigration during the primary season. Romney expressed his want to veto The Dream Act, and touted the virtues of Self-Deportation. Last September Romney was quoted as saying “I would be civil and resolute in terms of securing our borders even if that means constructing a high tech fence and investing in adequate man power and resources”.

Unless Romney thinks the electorate is really stupid, doesn't have the luxury of the internet, or suffer from memory loss, they are not going to forget those things. Even the possibility of Florida Senator Marco Rubio as a Vice Presidential running mate may not have the positive effect that he would've hoped for. Rubio referred to the President's announcement as a “short-term answer”, but the question is if Rubio were as popular on the hill as Republicans would like you to believe he would have enough pull to get his bosses, John Boehner and Eric Cantor to pass the aformentioned “Dream Act” which is similar to what Rubio has proposed in the past, and what the President has proposed today!

The Jeb Bushes and the Haley Barbours of the GOP understand the changing demographics of the country, and why the rest of the party needs to join them in their way of thinking. “We need to secure the borders for a lot of reasons, and we need to realize we are not going to deport 12 million people and we don't need to” said Barbour who spoke on Friday morning during a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor. If only the elected officials inside the party like Romney, Boehner and Cantor were listening to those outside of the party the GOP would be viewed more favorably by so many, instead by taking these harsh stances they may be giving away the White House by alienating the groups that exist outside of the good ol' boy network that has propped them up for so many years.

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