Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fast And Furious Is A Smoke Screen

In a nation where the unemployment rate is 8.2 %, where 23 million people are now out of work,
and long term economic growth is a serious concern, A Congressional Panel on Wednesday recommended that the House of Representatives cite Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt over issues dealing with the now defunct “Fast and Furious”Program.

Fast and Furious was a program started under the George W. Bush Administration where ATF agents allowed guns to be “walked” across the border into Mexico so they could be tracked to higher profile criminals including those in Mexican Drug cartels. The unfortunate death of U.S Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry by a gun that may or may not have been involved in Fast and Furious has lead to an arduous and painstaking congressional investigation.

To be clear, the death of Agent Terry is a tragedy, and the Fast and Furious program should be investigated, in fact how such a dangerous and reckless program was put in place at all is beyond me, that being said it did began under President Bush and was abruptly stopped by Attorney General Holder after he was made aware that it was going on. California Congressman Rep. Darrell Issa, the committee's chairman has not subpoened anyone from the Bush White House however, including Michael Mukasey, the Attorney General at the time Fast and Furious was enacted.

Issa who has never met a camera or a microphone he doesn't like was given the ability to waste tax payer money with the investigation by the GOP takeover of the House in 2010. He also has been spurred on by right-wing apologist like Sean Hannity to Ann Coulter to pursue this matter with extreme vigor and put Holder in his place, Issa has called Holder every name possible with the exception of “uppity and “boy”

The entire Dog and Pony show is about one thing and one thing only, the desire of a GOP controlled House and the Republican Party in particular to embarrass the Barack Obama White House. Eric Holder has been a right-wing target since day one, If it wasn't for Fast and Furious the right would be
saying Holder has overstepped his bounds regarding Florida Governor Rick Scott's voter purge in Florida, apparently the GOP is fine with Scott turning himself into a modern day “Bull” Connor by suppressing the votes of Blacks, Latinos, and the elderly. There are also cases like the Department of Justice's refusal to defend The Defense of Marriage Act and their challenging of the State of Arizona's crackdown on undocumented workers

What the right won't admit to you is that they have got the wrong black man in the hot seat, Republicans want Barack Obama gone from the White House so bad they can't see straight, and by the President invoking executive privilege over documents that would not help congress get to the bottom of the situation (and also keeps him from breaking the law by releasing them) more fuel has been thrown onto the fire. Charges of White House cover-up and Obama's Watergate are now being thrown around conservative stomping grounds.

The Administration's refusal to back down is encouraging though, The President didn't have to step in, and given the fact that this is the first time he has used an executive privilege in his first 3 ½ years in office, all signs point to him not wanting to. By taking this step Obama is clearly saying he is behind Holder and thinks this is a witch hunt of the highest order. There has never been an Attorney General who has been held in contempt of congress in the history of the nation, John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzalez should have been cited on numerous occasions for lying about everything under the sun.

This unfortunately is what we will see from now until Barack Obama is no longer President, whether that is in November or 2016 John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell and every other prominent Republican in D.C will be on the lookout for everything from government overreach to whether or not Obama washed his hands after a trip to the restroom. The GOP has never taken partisianship to this extreme and the Fox News spin machine will continue to beat the drum.

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