There will be no burying the lead with
a Friday afternoon press release for one Willard Mitt Romney, the
Republican nominee for President of The United States. You see Mitt
will spend his Friday afternoon giving what I call emergency
interviews with five television networks about his time spent as CEO
of Bain Capital.
On Thursday The Boston Globe released a
damaging story about disputes over Romney's exit from Bain. Romney
for political purposes has always maintained that he left Bain in
February of 1999, however evidence has emerged that Romney really
left the company in 2002 to run The Salt Lake City Olympics of that
This is important because Romney
desperately wants to have his political cake and eat it too. He is
gladly eager to take the credit for the jobs that were created by
Bain during that time period, yet freely deflects criticism
concerning jobs that were outsourced by the company over the same
time by saying I was long gone by then.
This would be a much easier tight rope
for Mittens to walk if he wasn't a one trick political pony who was
running for the highest office in the land. From day one Romney has
made his experience in the private sector his calling card for being
elected the 45th President of the United States. Romney
has chided President Obama for being a community organizer and not
knowing how the real economy works, and he has said all of this while
being under the assumption that the President's team should not take
a look at that private sector record and expose it for what it
really is.
On a Conference call on Thursday, the
brilliant Stephanie Cutter a deputy campaign manager for the
President summed this whole situation up by saying. “Either
Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was
misrepresenting his position at Bain to the S.E.C., which is a
felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the
American people.”
Predictably the Romney campaign
responded in outrage, because of their inability to explain their
candidates silence on the issue. Matt Rhoades a campaign manager for
Romney said “President
Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior
advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters
about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into
question the integrity of their entire campaign,”.
the record Stephanie Cutter never called anyone a felon, nor did she
say Mitt Romney broke the law. The Romney campaign really does live
in a bubble where any legitimate question asked by the President and
his team is an unfair attack. I can question your record at any time
Mr. President, but you have to stay away from mind.
also doesn't mind evoking the memory of his late father George
Romney, the former Governor of Michigan. He ofter remembers him as a
man of principle, who was always willing to do the right thing. Can
you imagine the conversation father and son would be having if Sr.
was still with us.
Romney set the standard for Presidential candidates releasing their
tax returns, when he released twelve years worth in anticipation of
his 1968 run for President. Mitt on the other the hand has only
offered up a year and a half continuing to lead to speculation that
he is hiding something. The natural thing to do would be release the
tax returns, and put all of the questions to rest.
is the epitome of the negative campaigner who complains about
negative campaining. Every thing the President has said about Bain up
until this point has been legit. Romney meanwhile has offered up some
tall tales about the President's record that would make the average
fiction writer blush. There is “Obamacare is the largest tax
increase in the history of the U.S.” Or “The President said that
the stimulus would hold unemployment under 8%” or “Obama
apologizes for America all over the world”. Romney never met a lie
didn't like including the one about Condolezza Rice being his V.P.
For him to complain about the Bain ads is rich, pun intended.
you injected the Republicans with some sort of truth serum they would
tell you there is now some buyer's remorse with Romney. It's almost
like they went the Sarah Palin route and didn't vet the guy. Also for
Romney, how in the hell can you be running for President the last six
years and not close offshore bank accounts and sure up whether or not
you left the company that was offshoring jobs at the time you
initially said you did.
whole issue just continues the narrative of Mitt Romney out of touch
rich guy. A man who might be a hell of a genius in terms of making
money even if it is at the expense of working class Americans. That
is why this man shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the White House.
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