Monday, July 16, 2012

Hypocrisy thy name is Karl Rove

There is that old saying, “What's good for the goose is good for the gander.” or as Mitt Romney would put it. “What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander” (once again, could the guy be more out of touch.)

It just so happens that in the Presidential election of 2012 no one is finding that out more than Republicans, and in particular the man who called their shots the entire last decade Karl Rove.

While appearing Sunday on Fox News (where else would he be) Rove accused President Obama's re-election campaign of practicing “gutter politics”.

The fact of the matter is if the president continues to make this charge — this outrageous charge — that Mitt Romney is guilty of felonious activity and committed a felony, that’s a big mistake, This is gutter politics of the worst Chicago sort.”

For the record, the President's Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter did not refer to Mitt Romney as a felon, she simply stated the fact that lying to the SEC is a felony. The more important part of this whole thing however is if anyone knows anything about “gutter politics” it is Karl Rove.

If you injected him with some sort of truth serum, John McCain would tell you about the kind of gutter politics that Rove, the former chief strategist of the George W. Bush Presidential campaigns engages in. There were rumors during the 2000 Republican primaries that McCain was the “father of an illegitimate black child”

There was very little doubt within political circles were those rumors started, and it played very well for Bush who won South Carolina by 12 points. It also didn't hurt that while it is 2012, culturally South Carolina was and probably will always be stuck in 1962.

While we are counting down Rove's greatest hits, surely we all remember Valerie Plame don't we. In 2003 former CNN contributor and conservative columnist Robert Novak told federal prosecutors that Rove had participated in the outing of Plame, the former CIA agent.

Rove was willing to put an agent's life in danger because her husband former Ambassador Joe Wilson had been vocal about the possibility of W skirting the truth to send our troops into Iraq. This not only speaks to the fact that Rove doesn't have a decent bone in his body, but that he is a terrible American.

As if trashing one American hero wasn't enough, Rove and the Bush campaign were silent while a side group called Swift Vets and POW's for Truth misrepresented Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry over his service in the Vietnam War. Rove was as quiet as a church mouse despite the fact that his guy was hiding and waiting out the war somewhere in Alabama.

Besides being a Fox News mouthpiece this political season Rove is also the money behind two Superpacs that have but one purpose, to defeat the President this fall. Since 2010 Rove's pac's have raised $123 million to take out the President and Democrats in Congress, more money than John McCain spent in his entire 2008 election.
To the President's credit he was quoted as saying that his campaign “will not be apologizing” as Governor Romney called on him to do. This means the possibility of Republicans fighting back with misleading falsehoods about the President are surely on the way, and you can be sure Rove will be at the forefront.

Here is to hoping that in November this clown walks away with nothing to show for that $123 million.

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