After watching the debacle that was
Mitt Romney and his laughable speech in front of the NAACP this
morning, the one word question that remains on the forefront of my
mind is Why?
If you listen to most political
pundits, The Republican Party's Presidential nominee was there not to
appeal to the African-American constituency that the world's oldest
civil rights organization is made of, but to swing voters across the
country who aren't comfortable with the GOP being as lilly white as a
bottle of aspirin.
If that was indeed the task then
Mittens failed spectacularly. Romney basically went into a room full
of Barack Obama loving black folks and gave a stump speech that would
have drawn a thunderous applause from the Tea Party and all of it's
racist idealogues.
The most contentious portion of
Romney's speech was when he once again pledged his intention to do
away with the President's signature achievement, the passage of the
Affordable Care Act. Referring to the law as “Obamacare” was the
equivalent of a guy poking a bear with a stick, Romney knew it would
draw boos louder than a Lebron James return to Cleveland, nevermind
the fact that he didn't call it's original and more aptly titled name
There was also no mention of the GOP's
all out assault on the voting rights of people of color, the elderly
and college students, three core constituency groups that carried the
President to victory in 2008. Romney kept his mouth shut about voter
I.D., because he knows his chances to win the general election are
significantly decreased without it.
Romney, like most Conservatives the few
mindless black ones in particular assume that black folks are not
politically aware. It is easy for Romney to rattle of the 14.4%
number of African-American unemployment and blame the President for
it. The fact is it doesn't work, black people know what is in the
President's “American Jobs Act”, they know that is contains
legislation that would put not only black folks, but all Americans
back to work. They also know that the real culprits behind that 14%
number are named John Boehner and Eric Cantor. The Republican led
House's refusal to pass the AJA
has caused the paralyzation of the
Romney on Wednesday, essentially tried
to kill two birds with one stone, He wanted to stick his head in the
door of NAACP house just to say he was there, while still appealing
to a base that in a lot of ways is still not sure about him. Imagine
the uproar from scumbags like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity if
Romney had said I don't agree with the need for voter I.D or I
disagree with the Affordable Care Act, but people should have access
to some form of healthcare, the right would be insensed.
Whether it was envoking his father's
memory, a man who actually marched in the Civil Rights Movement or
quoting Dr. King which everyone saw coming, Mitt was sure to cover
all of his bases, and if that meant taking a few boos from a group of
people who weren't going to vote for him anyway so be it. My only
hope is that moderate voters who could check the box that says Romney
saw this pathetic sideshow really for what it was and walks away from
the GOP on election day.
If you are someone who really hates
there time being wasted for no reason, Wednesday really wasn't your
#NAACP Vote Now: With elections only 4 months away who will win Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney