Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stop and Frisk More Trouble Than It's Worth

Last Sunday people from both sexes, all races, all religious denominations and sexual orientations marched through the streets of New York City to protest the strict Stop
and Frisk laws used by The City's Police Department. The march which begin at 110th Street passed by Gracie Mansion, home of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg before ending at 78th Street.

If you aren't familiar “Stop and Frisk” is the policy where police officers in the city are given license
to stop people who they deem suspicious. Who would have ever imagined that of the 685,000 people
stopped last year as a result of the policy 87% would be Black and Latino. As calculated as the march strolling thru the Mayor's neighborhood was it was also extremely fitting.

Under Mayor Bloomberg Stop and Frisks in New York have skyrocketed 603% since 2002 when the city was ran by then mayor Rudy Giuliani. When you are to the right of Rudy in Gotham on the issue of police misconduct it's not a good place to be as far as the Black and Brown communities are concerned, Giuliani wasn't the second coming of Eugene “Bull”Connor, but he might as well had spit on the graves of Patrick Dorismond and Amadou Diallo, two black men who were killed by NYPD under his stewardship.

One of the interesting developments in the increase of Stop and Frisks is that fewer than 10% of those being stopped have been arrested, while the percentage of crime in the city has not gone down because of it. These numbers and asinine comments by the mayor himself only lead to more hostility between the community and its cops. Bloomberg was quoted as saying Sunday that “Innocent people who are being stopped can't be disrespected, that is not acceptable”, then as to appease people of color by quoting a man who he still clearly thinks was the first Black President Bill Clinton he said “The practice should be mended not ended”.

There are so many things that are wrong with the Mayor's outlook on this entire situation, for one the fact that the numbers are so skewed towards black and brown people tells me that Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly don't think that white people commit crimes. Even in more priviledged parts of the city where the diversity of the residents is almost non-existent people of color make up a higher percentage of those who are stopped, which is basically a situation where the officer is saying “what the hell are you doing in this neighborhood”.

Secondly, some of these stops have led to the arrests of teenagers and young people who have had small amounts of marijuana in their possession. We can debate the pros and cons of marijuana, but no seventeen year old kid should placed in the criminal justice system, tagged as a felon, and be put at risk of ever getting into college or getting an apartment, which is what this does. White kids who are not stopped nearly as much as kids of color are basically given a license to experiment with weed without being subjected to the same possibilities.

What this policy does more than anything though is just heighten the tensions between these two communities and the police department that is suppose to protect them. Bloomberg knows very well the history of New York, not only the murders of Dorismond and Diallo, but the murders of Sean Bell and Ramarley Graham. Graham was an 18 year old black kid who was shot and killed by an NYPD officer in his Grandmother's bathroom earlier this year. While apparently being tone def on these individual situations, The Mayor seems intent on pushing a policy that continues to exacerbate negative feelings that Black and Brown people have about “The Men in Blue”.

The Father's Day March on Sunday was great because it was an example of the community using it's voice to shed light on injustice, I get the feeling however that real change won't come until there is a new occupant in the aforementioned Gracie Mansion. Let's just hope Mikey B. doesn't use anymore of his vast personal fortune to buy himself another term.

I want to know what you think e-mail me at ebrew79@live.com for the latest columns and updates, also follow me on twitter @ebrew79


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