With the ruling by The Supreme Court
that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional, The Presidency
of Barack Obama avoided the type of
iceberg that The Titanic was unable to. The President was looking at
the prospect of having the most significant piece of legislation
passed during his first term done away with because of the hatred
that tea party yahoos and powerdrunk GOP Congressman have for him.
A constitutional lawyer not realizing
that a bill he basically authored was not constitutional would have
been one of Mitt Romney's main talking points all the way until the
November election. Also given the fact that ever legal pundit in the
country had the bill on death row after the oral arguments in March,
things didn't look good for the President. Then all of sudden to the
rescue of the healthcare bill comes.....John Roberts?
Look I am in no way going to crown
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts as a new champion of
left-wing causes, hell I still don't forgive him for allowing
Citizens United to become law, but there is no way around it,
Roberts, knowing that he would face a mountain of criticism from GOP
nutjobs led by scumbags like Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge did his
job and he did it impartially.
The question now is what does The Obama
Administration and elected Democrats do? Do they walk away from the
Affordable Care Act like they did when they passed the bill back in
2010 or do they spend the time needed to explain to The American
People why this law is a good thing.
Young people under the age of 26 are
allowed to stay on their Parent's insurance, adults and children will
not be discriminated against for having pre-existing conditions, and
the biggest one which is one that the White House should buy
billboards all across the country for, you will not go to jail, you
will not have a lein taken out on your property and you will not have
money deducted from your paycheck if you don't buy health insurance.
Also they can ask Mitt Romney and his
right-wing cronies that if these things are so horrible what is their
plan for a broken healthcare system? We are talking about a group of
individuals who have been saying since they came into power that they
would “Repeal and Replace” Obamacare, now since the Court's
announcement they've dropped the replace portion of that phrase and
are just talking about repeal.
For Romney himself there really is no
good answer, he is the mastermind of Obamacare and the Obama
Administration, when constructing the law, bought in the same
advisers who consulted Romney when he put the plan in place in
Massachusettes. Romney is the deadbeat dad who is now ashamed of his
child and what he or she has become. The last thing the 2012 version
of would do is praise the President over healthcare, The 2004 version
would give him a high five. What Romney fails to realize or refuses
to admit is that his pledge to repeal the ACA on the first day of his
Presidency runs the gambit of being laughable to flat out delusional.
There is that whole 60 vote thing in the Senate that he would need
but would never in a million years get.
As the Obama Presidency was avoiding
that aforementioned iceberg, the court was right behind it swerving
at just the right time, with Justice Roberts doing the steering.
Never has the court been seen as being more polarizing, the latest
example being Justice Alito's ridiculous dissenting opinion to the
court's decision on the Arizona “papers please” law earlier this
week. With this decision Roberts at least for know, avoids charges of
the court being made up of right-wing majority activists who are
brought with dirty money from GOP sugar daddies like the Koch
At the end of the day I am and will
always be a proponent of a single payer healthcare system, it cuts
out most of the red tape and does not enrich blood sucking insurance
companies who capitialize on the tragedies of everyday Americans,
this bill right now in this day and time however is a good start and
the possibility of really good provisions being added to it just as
provisions were added to the original Civil Rights Act is enough for
me to feel good about what the President and Congressional Democrats
have done.
Hopefully the days of every American
not having health insurance will soon be a thing of the past.
By the way I hope this puts to bed this
notion that Anthony Kennedy is the swing vote on the Court, voting
for Citizens United and against ACA disqualifies him from having that
Congratulations on starting a blog, and keep going. I hope you'll get more personal in your posts. What makes a blog good is often the personal perspective of the writer. What does Obama and Obamacare mean to you?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading more of your writing! -- Fran / BG
"...Roberts, knowing that he would face a mountain of criticism from GOP nutjobs led by scumbags like Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge did his job and he did it impartially."
ReplyDeleteYou give Roberts more credit than I do. I don't think Robert's decision was impartial it was pragmatic. With Citizens United, Bush V Gore, and recent Arizona and Montana decisions, Roberts was protecting his legacy. The Robert's court has a deep activist reputation and his legacy, which is very important to him, is in danger of being lost.