there ever been a worse Presidential candidate than Mitt Romney? Has
there ever been a more out of touch, unsympathetic plutocrat?
comments to wealthy donors of his at a Boca Raton fundraiser last May
once again reinforced the narrative that Montgomery Burns is a living
and breathing human being.
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...
“Our message of low taxes doesn’t connect...so my job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the five to 10 percent in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful....”
who has never experienced a minute of struggle from the time that he
entered into the world has put his inability to relate to us common
folk on full display time and time again. There was the incident
where he insulted a supporters home baked cookies, he challenged Rick
Perry to a $10,000 bet (like it's chump change), and he reminded us
that his wife drives a couple of cadillacs.
comments in Florida four months ago aren't surprising, as a matter of
fact it's sort of Romney taking it to the next level. The guy pretty
much says word for word that he isn't worried about 47% of the
like most in his party really believes that we have become a country
of “makers” and “takers”, that there is no such thing as
people falling on hard times through no fault of their own and that a
life on public assistance is somehow a goal that is to be desired.
professional politicians in the GOP are backing away from Mitt as
fast as they can because they need swing voters, (a huge chunk of
which belongs to the 47% that Romney slammed to keep their jobs,) the
talking imbeciles in the base are cheering Romney on.
Holy Triumvirate of conservative clowns Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly,
and Donald Trump have all said in their own way that Romney should
not back down from the comments, and that this is a discussion that
the country needs to have. If you are unemployed and struggling to
put food on your family's table, there can't be anything more galling
than having three filthy rich windbags advising another windbag to
continue to disparage you.
makes me ponder what would happen if Mitt Romney were to somehow pull
of the miraculous and get himself elected in November, what would the
outcome be like for the truly less fortunate?
poor children go without nutrition because of Romney and his tag team
partner Paul Ryan and their lustful desire to do away with food
stamps? These are children who barely get a decent school lunch
already again thanks to budget cuts mostly championed by the GOP.
the unemployed, people who have desperately been looking for work but
have been stymied, not because of failed economic policies of
President Obama, but by petulant obstruction on the part of John
Boehner and Eric Cantor, be told no more unemployment checks? You now
must feed your family through the kindness of strangers.
the days of George W. Bush touting compassionate conservatism, that
now seems like a million years ago.
because of his insulated life spent in the lap of luxury doesn't get
why the peasants sometimes needs assistance. That alone is a good
enough reason to be disqualified from being leader of the free world.
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